Prometheus Gems: L’Amore e il Fuoco della Gioielleria

Prometheus Gems: L’Amore e il Fuoco della Gioielleria

Hey there! I created my logo back when I started delving into my first book on jewelry. I stumbled upon the story of Prometheus on the very first page, and a few pages later, there was a photograph of a pendant featuring Eros riding a lion. I immediately decided it would be my logo. After all, it resonated with the love and passion surrounding jewelry, and my zodiac sign is Leo.

As for the name Prometheus, it seems that the discovery of the ornamental value of gemstones is attributed to Prometheus just as he was about to leave the Caucasus Mountains. He wanted to adorn his ring with a stone he had collected from where he had been chained for bringing fire to humanity. So, that’s my story!